Friday, October 8, 2010

Selecting Our Topics

The first step in designing how and what we want to learn in Year 9 Music in 2011 is selecting our topics.

The compulsory topic that we must study is Australian Music which encompasses a range of different musical styles. Then, there are 4 other topics that need to be selected. I am going to choose one topic, which means that the remaining three are up to you.

In your envelope, you will find a sheet with two topic boxes on it. We must make sure that when the final topics are determined, that we have selected 2 topics from each of these boxes to be studied over Years 9 and 10.

Your task for this week is to nominate the three topics that YOU want to study in the Elective Music Course. It will be a 'majority rules' scenario so for your voice to be heard, you must post your nominations on this blog by Friday 5pm (come and see me if you have trouble with this before Friday). Failure to nominate topics, results in me selecting your topics.

In your envelopes, you will find a list of your Year 9 classmates. You might want to talk to them about the topics before making your final decision.

Check this blog on Monday for our chosen topics and your next step in designing how and what you are going to learn in Year 9 Music.


  1. Popular Music
    Music for Radio, Film, Television and Multimedia
    Art Music of the 20th and 21st Centuries

  2. If you are having trouble posting a comment follow these steps. Click on '0 Comments' at the bottom of the page. A text box will appear for you to type in. Near 'Comment as', select 'anonymous' in the drop down list. Don't forget to puct your name on the bottom of your writing. Then click on 'Post Comment' below the box. Good luck. Miss Muscat

  3. There is no 'o Comment' at the bottom of my page. The text box is already there and i have typed this comment

  4. The previous comment was written by Mr Howard. I am very interested in what you all have to say about your learning for next year.
    I logged in using a Google account. I set up the google account by going to the top right corner and hit follow and this allowed me to set up a google account. This can also be done if you have a twitter, yahoo account

  5. Rock Music
    Music for small ensembles(group 1)
    Theatre Music

    Nathan Egan

  6. Rock Music
    Music and Technology
    Classical music

    Jamon Windeyer

  7. classical music
    rock music

    Anthony Langton

  8. Music for small ensembles(group 1)
    Popular Music
    Music for radio,film,television and multimedia

    Caitlyn Tuckerman

  9. music for small ensembles (group1)
    rock music
    andrew horan

  10. 19th Century Music
    Rock Music

    Jess Staveley.

  11. Rock music
    19th century music
    music for small ensembles

    Dhakota Gordon

  12. 19th century music
    classical music
    music and technology

  13. Luke McIntosh
    Rock Music
    Classical Music

  14. Michael Purkis
    Rock Music
    Music for radio film TV and multimedia
    art music of the 20th and 21st century

  15. Rock Music
    Classical Music
