Saturday, February 5, 2011

QR Codes for Learning

Hi Year 9 Music.

If you require some assistance for downloading a QR code reader (barcode reader) to your smartphone/IPhone/Ipod/computer with camera, here are some links to help you.

If you have a mac with insight camera or webcam, this blog will go through the steps for you. You will need to download Acrobe Air first (free download) and then download the Qr code reader.

If you have an android phone, this website will allow you to download the QR code reader application

If using an Iphone or Ipod with camera, try ScanIt at

If none of this brings you success, try going to your phone website and see if there is an app there that you can download. Otherwise, try google and YouTube for additional information.

Use this blog to help each other figure it out. Ask each other questions. You will need to bring your phones to class in our next lesson for an experiment. If you don't have a phone that can do this, don't worry- we can share.


  1. Hi All, here is another app that can be used- it's called a kaywa reader

    If the link doesn't work, google kaywa qr code readers.

    Miss M

  2. Alternatively, with an IPhone, search the free apps in itunes and you should be able to find a range of qr code readers.

    Miss M

  3. The app works perfectly on my iPod miss
