Friday, November 19, 2010

Step 4: A Spotlight on Theory

Thank you all for your posts on our page about Asessment Tasks. You have given me some great ideas and I think that you will be happy to know that the majority of your choices have been included in your formal and informal assessment tasks for next year- you must keep the ideas coming!!

One of the aspects that I have found Year 9 students struggle with in my experience, particularly at the beginning of the course, is musical theory. To become better musicians, we all must work hard to grasp these concepts- even if they appear challenging at first. Even famous rock stars respect the challenge of musical theory.

To help me continue to plan your work, I need some more help by answering the following questions:
1. What specific areas of musical theory have you struggled with in Year 7 and 8? (if it all came fairly easily to you, please let me know that also).
2. What activities/teaching strategies could I use in the classroom to help improve your musical theory skills and understanding? Any ideas are good ideas. What could I do to help make this easier for you to learn?
3. If musical theory is easy for you, what kind of extension activities would you like to receive that you think would extend your skills?

Please post your comments by Friday 5pm this week.


  1. Hey Miss,
    Most of the musical theory I find comes fairly easy to me, the different terms are the only thing that sometimes give me trouble. I really have no idea what kind of teaching strategies are effective. As for extension activities, I believe theory related to our instrument of choice would be a great.
    Jamon Windeyer

  2. Hey miss,
    in year 7 and 8 most musaical theory was easy to understand. As for teaching strategies, I found that by learning the terms and applying them to different pieces of music was effective - as it gave us the chance to see how the theory was used in practical situations. For extension activities, larning things about our instrument and even learning about the history of music and how it has developed over time would be interesting to learn. Thanks miss,
    Steph Quattromani

  3. Hey Miss,
    In year 7 and 8 theory work for me was quite easy to understand. Conserdering teaching strategies I personally found that if the teacher gives us a example and we aplly that to a piece music given. As for extension work, studying the art of many different instruments and theory related work on our instrument of choice. Thanks Miss,
    Nathan Egan

  4. Hey Miss,
    I agree with Jamon, as I also find most of the theory work easy, but can have trouble remembering terms. I don't really have any ideas for teaching strategies in the classroom. For extension activities, I think theory related to our instruments or studying a composer/band artist.

    Jess Staveley.

  5. hey miss
    i agree with jess
    i do still have some trouble with terms and things but understand most theory

    nicole hulett
